Learn Android App Development Online


Course Id : 1032

[wptab name=’About’]Android is a mobile operating system (OS) based on the Linux kernel and currently developed by Google. With a user interface based on direct manipulation, Android is designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers, with specialized user interfaces for televisions (Android TV), cars (Android Auto), and wrist watches (Android Wear). The OS uses touch inputs that loosely correspond to real-world actions, like swiping, tapping, pinching, and reverse pinching to manipulate on-screen objects, and a virtual keyboard. Despite being primarily designed for touchscreen input, it has also been used in game consoles, digital cameras, regular PCs, and other electronics. As of 2015, Android has the largest installed base of all operating systems.

As of July 2013, the Google Play store has had over one million Android applications (“apps”) published, and over 50 billion applications downloaded. An April–May 2013 survey of mobile application developers found that 71% of them create applications for Android; another 2015 survey found that 40% of full-time professional developers see Android as the “priority” target platform, which is more than iOS (37%) or other platforms. At Google I/O 2014, the company revealed that there were over one billion active monthly Android users, up from 538 million in June 2013.

[wptab name=’Syllabus’]

Android App Course Syllabus

Lesson 01:Getting Started With Android Programming

What is Android
Android Versions

Features of Android

Architecture of Android

Android Devices in the Market

The Android Market

The Android Developer Community

Obtaining The Required Tools

Android SDK

Installing The Android SDK Tools

Configuring The Android SDK Manager


Android Development Tools

Creating Android Virtual Devices(AVD)

Creating Your 1st Android Application

Anatomy of an Android Application

Lesson 02:Activities,Fragments,Intents
Understanding Activities
Applying Styles and Themes to an Activity

Hiding The Activity Title

Displaying a dialog window

Displaying a progress dialog

Displaying a more sophisticated progress dialog

Linking Activities Using Intents

Resolving Intent Filter Collision

Returning Results From An Intent

Passing Data Using An intent Object


Adding Fragments Dynamically

Life Cycle Of A Fragment

Interactions Between Fragments

Calling Bulit-In Applications Using Intents

Understanding The Intent Object

Using Intent Filters

Adding Categories

Displaying Notifications

Lesson 03: Getting To Know The Android User Interface
Understanding The Components Of A Screen
Views and ViewGroups







Adapting To Display Orientation

Anchoring Views

Resizing And Repositioning

Managing Changes To Screen Orientation

Persisting State Information During Changes

In Configuration

Deleting Orientation Changes

Controlling The Orientation Of The Activity

Utilizing The Action Bar

Adding Action Items To The Action Bar

Customizing The Action Items And Application Icon

Creating The User Interface Programmatically

Listening For UI Notifications

Overriding Methods Defined In an Activity

Registering Events For Views

Lesson 04: Designing Your User Interface With Views
Using Basic Views
TextView View


RadioGroup Views

ProgressBar View

AutoCompleteTextView View

Using Picker Views
TimePicker View

DatePicker View

Using List Views To Display Long Lists
ListView View

Using The Spinner View

Understanding Specialized Fragments
Using A ListFragment

Using A DialogFragment

Using A PreferenceFragment

Lesson 05:Displaying Pictures And Menus with Views
Using Image Views To Display Pictures
Gallery And ImageView Views



Using Menus With Views
Creating The Helper Methods

Options Menu

Context Menu

Some Additional Views
AnalogClock And DigitalClock Views


Lesson06:Data Persistence
Saving And Loading User Preferences
Accessing Preferences Using An Activity

Programmatically Retrieving And Modifying

The Preferences Values

Changing The Default Name Of The Preferences File

Persisting Data to File
Saving To Internal Storage

Saving To External Storage(SD Card)

Choosing The Best Storage Option

Using Static Resources

Creating and Using Databases

Creating the DBAdapter Helper Class

Using The DataBase Programmatically

Pre-Creating The Database

Lesson07: Content Providers
Sharing Data in Android
Using a Content Provider

Predefined Query String Constants




Creating Your Own Content Providers

Using The Content Provider

Lesson08: Messaging
SMS Messaging
Sending SMS Messages Programmatically

Getting Feedback After Sending A Message

Sending SMS Messages Using Intent

Receiving SMS Messages

Caveats and Warnings

Sending E-mail

Lesson09:Location-Based Services
Displaying Maps
Creating The Project

Obtaining The Maps API Key

Displaying The Map

Displaying The Zoom Control

Changing Views

Navigating To A Specific Location

Adding Markers

Getting The Location That Was Touched

Geocoding And reverse Geocoding

Getting Location Data

Monitoring A Location

Project-Building A Location Tracker

Lesson10: Networking
Consuming Web Services Using HTTP
Downloading Binary Data

Downloading Text Content

Accessing Web Services Using The GET Method

Consuming JSON Services

Sockets Programming

Lesson11: Developing Android Services
Creating Your Own Services
Performing Long-Running Tasks in a service

Performing Repeated Tasks in a service

Executing Asynchronous Tasks on Separate Threads Using IntentService

Establishing Communication Between a Service and an Activity

Binding Activities to Services

Understanding Threading

Lesson12:Publishing Android Applications
Preparing For Publishing
Versioning Your Application

Digitally Signing Your Android Applications

Deploying APK Files

Using The ADB.exe Tool

Using A Web server

Publishing on the Android market


[wptab name=’Duration’]

  • Regular classes – 4 weeks
  • Weekend Classes – 6 weeks
  • Customized Fast Track option is available as well. Call 9731012185 now to customize according to your requirement


[wptab name=’Trainer’]

  • Experienced IT professionals
  • Having hands on practical knowledge
  • With experience of training large batches in both offline and online mode


[wptab name=’Placement’]

The following services are available on demand as add-on to this course

  • Resume Preparation
  • Mock interviews
  • Job opportunity leads and suggestions


[wptab name=’Mode’]

    • Online Self Paced Training (SPT) with Videos and Documents
    • Online Instructor Led Training (ILT)

Study9 provides a robust job market focused Android App training. Our Android App course is designed with the right mix of basic and advanced topics to get one started in the domain and enable a person to get a good job in this competitive market. Our Android App trainers are experienced professionals with hands on knowledge of Android App projects. The Android App course content is designed with keeping the current job market’s demands in mind.Our Android App training course is value for money and tailor made for our students.

About Study9 Training Method

The Study9 Android App training courses are completely online training courses. The online Android App training is given using advanced training softwares to make the students comfortable with the online training. The student and teacher can talk over VOIP software, they can share each others screens, share Android App course contents and concerns during the class through chat window and even can see each other using Webcams. The time tested proven online Android App training methodologies adopted by study9 are of the most advanced ones in India. The student will feel at ease with the Android App training mode. And we are so confident on that, we offer a moneyback if the student is not satisfied with first Android App Training class.

The cloud based Android App training course contents are accessible from anywhere in the world. Study9 provides access for each student to an online Learning Management System that holds all the slides and videos that are part of the Android App training courses. The students can access them from their Laptop, Mobile, Tablets etc. The students will also give Android App training exams on this Learning Management System and our expert Android App trainers will rate their papers and provide certifications on successful completion of these Android App training exams.

The best part of this online Android App training approach is that it does not require one to waste time by travelling to a particular Android App training center. And the timings are flexible so that if someday the student has problems in taking the morning Android App training class he/she can fix an alternate time in the evening in discussion with Android App trainer. On need basis our Android App trainers can take a class in late night as well. On request basis missed Android App training class sessions can even be given as video lectures to the student for them to go through to be prepared for the next class.


[wptab name=’Cost’]

[wptab name=’Register’]

Schedule: Weekdays (1 hr /day), Weekends (2.5 hrs /day)  and Fast Track options available


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