Selenium Testing


Course Id : 1011

[wptab name=’About’]

Selenium is a portable software testing framework for web applications. Selenium provides a record/playback tool for authoring tests without learning a test scripting language (Selenium IDE). It also provides a test domain-specific language (Selenese) to write tests in a number of popular programming languages, including Java, C#, Groovy, Perl, PHP, Python and Ruby. The tests can then be run against most modern web browsers. Selenium deploys on Windows, Linux, and Macintosh platforms. It is open-source software, released under the Apache 2.0 license, and can be downloaded and used without charge.


Selenium automates browsers. That’s it! What you do with that power is entirely up to you. Primarily, it is for automating web applications for testing purposes, but is certainly not limited to just that. Boring web-based administration tasks can (and should!) also be automated as well.


Selenium has the support of some of the largest browser vendors who have taken (or are taking) steps to make Selenium a native part of their browser. It is also the core technology in countless other browser automation tools, APIs and frameworks.


[wptab name=’Syllabus’]

Selenium testing Course Syllabus

  • Introduction
  • Test Automation for Web Applications
  • To Automate or Not to Automate?
  • Introducing Selenium
  • Brief History of The Selenium Project
  • Selenium’s Tool Suite
  • Choosing Your Selenium Tool
  • Supported Browsers and Platforms
  • Flexibility and Extensibility
  • What’s in this Book?
  • The Documentation Team–Authors Past and Present
  • Selenium-IDE
  • Introduction
  • Installing the IDE
  • Opening the IDE
  • IDE Features
  • Building Test Cases
  • Running Test Cases
  • Using Base URL to Run Test Cases in Different Domains
  • Selenium Commands – “Selenese”
  • Script Syntax
  • Test Suites
  • Commonly Used Selenium Commands
  • Verifying Page Elements
  • Assertion or Verification?
  • Locating Elements
  • Matching Text Patterns
  • The “AndWait” Commands
  • The waitFor Commands in AJAX applications
  • Sequence of Evaluation and Flow Control
  • Store Commands and Selenium Variables
  • JavaScript and Selenese Parameters
  • echo – The Selenese Print Command
  • Alerts, Popups, and Multiple Windows
  • Debugging
  • Writing a Test Suite
  • User Extensions
  • Format
  • Executing Selenium-IDE Tests on Different Browsers
  • Troubleshooting
  • Selenium 2.0 and WebDriver
  • Selenium 2.0 Features
  •  The Selenium Server – When to Use It
  •  Setting Up a Selenium-WebDriver Project
  •  Migrating from Selenium 1.0
  •  Getting Started With Selenium-WebDriver
  •  Introducing WebDriver’s Drivers
  •  Commands and Operation
  •  Driver Specifics and Tradeoffs
  •  WebDriver-Backed Selenium-RC
  •  Selenium WebDriver Wiki
  •  Next Steps
  • WebDriver: Advanced Usage
  • Explicit and Implicit Waits
  • RemoteWebDriver
  • AdvancedUserInteractions
  • Browser Startup Manipulation
  • HTML5
  • Parallelizing Your Test Runs
  • Selenium 1 (Selenium RC)
  • Introduction
  • How Selenium RC Works
  • Installation
  • From Selenese to a Program
  • Programming Your Test
  • Learning the API
  • Reporting Results
  • Adding Some Spice to Your Tests
  • Server Options
  • Specifying the Path to a Specific Browser
  • Selenium RC Architecture
  • Handling HTTPS and Security Popups
  • Supporting Additional Browsers and Browser Configurations
  • Troubleshooting Common Problems
  • Test Design Considerations
  • Introducing Test Design
  • Types of Tests
  • Validating Results
  • Location Strategies
  • Wrapping Selenium Calls
  • UI Mapping
  • Page Object Design Pattern
  • Data Driven Testing
  • Database Validation
  • Selenium-Grid
  • Introduction
  • Actions
  • Accessors/Assertions
  • Locator Strategies
  • Using User-Extensions With Selenium-IDE
  • Using User-Exte


[wptab name=’Duration’]

  • Regular classes – 4 weeks
  • Weekend Classes – 6 weeks
  • Customized Fast Track option is available as well. Call 9731012185 now to customize according to your requirement


[wptab name=’Trainer’]

  • Experienced IT professionals
  • Having hands on practical knowledge
  • With experience of training large batches in both offline and online mode


[wptab name=’Placement’]

The following services are available on demand as add-on to this course

  • Resume Preparation
  • Mock interviews
  • Job opportunity leads and suggestions


[wptab name=’Mode’]

  • Online Self Paced Training (SPT) with Videos and Documents
  • Online Instructor Led Training (ILT)

About the course:

Study9 provides a robust job market focused Selenium testing training. Our Selenium testing course is designed with the right mix of basic and advanced topics to get one started in the domain and enable a person to get a good job in this competitive market. Our Selenium testing trainers are experienced professionals with hands on knowledge of Selenium testing projects. The Selenium testing course content is designed with keeping the current job market’s demands in mind.Our Selenium testing training course is value for money and tailor made for our students.

About Study9 Training Method

The Study9 Selenium testing training courses are completely online training courses. The online Selenium testing training is given using advanced training softwares to make the students comfortable with the online training. The student and teacher can talk over VOIP software, they can share each others screens, share Selenium testing course contents and concerns during the class through chat window and even can see each other using Webcams. The time tested proven online Selenium testing training methodologies adopted by study9 are of the most advanced ones in India. The student will feel at ease with the Selenium testing training mode. And we are so confident on that, we offer a moneyback if the student is not satisfied with first Selenium testing Training class.

The cloud based Selenium testing training course contents are accessible from anywhere in the world. Study9 provides access for each student to an online Learning Management System that holds all the slides and videos that are part of the Selenium testing training courses. The students can access them from their Laptop, Mobile, Tablets etc. The students will also give Selenium testing training exams on this Learning Management System and our expert Selenium testing trainers will rate their papers and provide certifications on successful completion of these Selenium testing training exams.

The best part of this online Selenium testing training approach is that it does not require one to waste time by travelling to a particular Selenium testing training center. And the timings are flexible so that if someday the student has problems in taking the morning Selenium testing training class he/she can fix an alternate time in the evening in discussion with Selenium testing trainer. On need basis our Selenium testing trainers can take a class in late night as well. On request basis missed Selenium testing training class sessions can even be given as video lectures to the student for them to go through to be prepared for the next class.



[wptab name=’Cost’]

[wptab name=’Register’]

Schedule: Weekdays (1 hr /day), Weekends (2.5 hrs /day)  and Fast Track options available


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